Skopelosalthough a smallislandhas countlessplaces tovisit.Thesettlement of the country(it isclassified as preserved),and othertraditional villagessuch as Glossa, and the oldKlimaElios.
Also, the VenetianCastle of Gkyzi,the oldDiocese,the FolkloreMuseum, theancient Temple of Asclepiusandthese are justa few.
The island has avery longtradition in the processingof clay,wood,glass andmetaland you canbuyand related productsfrom shopsof traditionalfolk art.The narrow streetsof Skopeloswillamaze youasyou will noticethat thelandscape changesdependingon the time ofday andthe season.
Fortravelers ofreligious tourismthere are plenty ofchurchesandecclesiasticalmonuments andmonasteries.
Surrounded by the thick pine forest of Skopelos, the Villa Mara complex is waiting to host you and your family and offer you peaceful and tranquil moments.