Mykonos isdefinitely one ofthe best knowntouristdestinations.
Here you can visitcountlessunique attractionsin the most livelyisland of the countrywitha vibrant nightlife. It is characteristic the famousMykonos Town(whichbecause of its beauty iscalled"LittleVenice").
The townis builtsothat causesarchitectural interestto the Cycladicarchitecture.There you will findintricatelysmall pavedstreetsdefinitelyworth walking,lots of stairs,windmillsspread within thewhite and blue colours. The pelicansinMykonos will be unforgettable as they walk around the roads and backstreets of Mikonos. You will discover this bird's unique story on this island...
In Mykonosyou canalso visitmuseums (such as theArchaeological Museum, theMuseum of FolkArtetc.) andChristian monumentssuch asthe Church of PanagiaParaportianis,theLife GivingFountain andthe famousLighthouse ofMykonosislandwhilehere there are over60churches.